Rodrigo Paez

Dad | Husband | Purpose Mentor

Rodrigo Paez

Dad | Husband | Purpose Mentor

Hi, I'm Rodrigo.

My goal is to help you discover your purpose

and support you on your the mission to give it back to world.

Hi, I'm Rodrigo.

My goal is to help you discover your purpose and support you on your the mission to give it back to world.

A 10-year story in the making...

Hey! I'm Rodrigo. Just a regular dude with a inspired vision of bringing to this world the wisdom of the ages through all my mentors, courses, books and most importantly life experience.

I'm also the founder of The Mindset Institute that is a long term vision of mine. Through this medium, I want to leave a legacy to this world and to my son. I strongly believe that formal education has its place for the normal person but for someone who wants to create things that leaves a mark on this planet, its just not enough.

A mentor of mine shared with me this quote that stuck with me since I heard it: "Many people are out there that we are immortal souls, but only a few write immortal goals." This is my immortal goal. I want to invite you to join me on a quest to discover everything we can be while knowing the adventure never ends.

10 years back I used to believe that I was WAY less than the average guy. I lacked self estime, self confidence and had a very hard time connecting with pretty much anyone.

I was desperate to fit in, hoping I would feel good enough, a task that by looking back, was exhausting and not authentic. I ended up like many people do, following other people which led to the start of my collapse years after.

The reality is that I wasn't a "bad" person, I simple ended up being a victim to my own bad habits and poor choices - Like on the picture here binging alcohol, smoking weed, playing video games and lost.

While I had many setbacks during the last decade, the main turning point was a divorce back in 2012 that broke me to pieces. I was married to a person I thought I would be with for the rest of my life but clearly, she did not have the same vision for us.

One day, during a my break at college (I decided to go back to school at 28), my then wife texted me through WhatsApp a message that went along the lines of: "Hey, I feel good here, and think I'm gonna stay longer and when we comeback we need to talk." Heuuu... what??! She was on a business trip trying to expand her network marketing team while I was continuing my college education in civil engineering.

From that call until the day before her arrival back to Montreal, I wasn't able to concentrate on my studies being held prisoner by the gut feeling that the awkward message really meant.

When she finally show her face, she dropped the BOMB. She was leaving me for good and crushing my ego (and soul) said: "Because you're just a loser"...

I acted frustrated and puzzled like anyone would react (I imagine) but deep inside, through the pain and tears, I knew that parts of what she said was...right. For days after, I acted needy and like a victim only to feel even more depressed which continued for almost 2 years.

I ended up in a 1 1/2 apartment with my dog, all the furniture and more than 20,000$ in debt. A pathetic sight

While finishing my degree, binging alcohol, smoking weed while working part time for minimum wage, I finally lowered my little ego and went to help: YouTube. That's when I found to look for motivation or a word of wisdom and... I got it.

It was THE point in life where I saw the light thanks to Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Darren Hardy, Bob Proctor, Les Brown and so on. I saw opportunity and understood that I WAS THE PROBLEM and as my first online mentor Jim Rohn said so well: "In order for things to change, you have to change. In order for things to get better, you have to get better."

And from that moment on, everything changed. Literally. I took it personally, and became addicted to "getting better" from that moment on. I did not knew at the time that the Universe (God, energy, karma, whatever you want to call it), sent me the most incredible gift a human being could receive: the opportunity to turn my mess into my message and my pain into my purpose.

Today, I understand that what is often the "worst of times" is usually a gift in disguise. For those who decide to take the right path towards uncertainty lies an opportunity to create something fantastic from ashes.

I now understand what Steve Jobs meant by "You can only connect the dots looking backwards." Now... I get it.

I don't quite know what you have in your heart and soul to bring to this world but one thing is for sure, if you listen to that inner voice, the one that doesn't make sense and leads you to the uncharted path, you will find a field of infinite possibility. It will NOT be easy, but I promise that it will be worth it.

Let me be your guide to help you take your first step. You are not crazy, you are only a few breakthroughs away from a beautiful life.


A 10-year story in the making...

Hey! I'm Rodrigo. Just a regular dude with a inspired vision of bringing to this world the wisdom of the ages through all my mentors, courses, books and most importantly life experience.

I'm also the founder of The Mindset Institute that is a long term vision of mine. Through this medium, I want to leave a legacy to this world and to my son. I strongly believe that formal education has its place for the normal person but for someone who wants to create things that leaves a mark on this planet, its just not enough.

A mentor of mine shared with me this quote that stuck with me since I heard it: "Many people are out there that we are immortal souls, but only a few write immortal goals." This is my immortal goal. I want to invite you to join me on a quest to discover everything we can be while knowing the adventure never ends.

10 years back I used to believe that I was WAY less than the average guy. I lacked self estime, self confidence and had a very hard time connecting with pretty much anyone.

I was desperate to fit in, hoping I would feel good enough, a task that by looking back, was exhausting and not authentic. I ended up like many people do, following other people which led to the start of my collapse years after.

The reality is that I wasn't a "bad" person, I simple ended up being a victim to my own bad habits and poor choices - Like on the picture here binging alcohol, smoking weed, playing video games and lost.

While I had many setbacks during the last decade, the main turning point was a divorce back in 2012 that broke me to pieces. I was married to a person I thought I would be with for the rest of my life but clearly, she did not have the same vision for us.

One day, during a my break at college (I decided to go back to school at 28), my then wife texted me through WhatsApp a message that went along the lines of: "Hey, I feel good here, and think I'm gonna stay longer and when we comeback we need to talk." Heuuu... what??! She was on a business trip trying to expand her network marketing team while I was continuing my college education in civil engineering.

From that call until the day before her arrival back to Montreal, I wasn't able to concentrate on my studies being held prisoner by the gut feeling that the awkward message really meant.

When she finally show her face, she dropped the BOMB. She was leaving me for good and crushing my ego (and soul) said: "Because you're just a loser"...

I acted frustrated and puzzled like anyone would react (I imagine) but deep inside, through the pain and tears, I knew that parts of what she said was...right. For days after, I acted needy and like a victim only to feel even more depressed which continued for almost 2 years.

I ended up in a 1 1/2 apartment with my dog, all the furniture and more than 20,000$ in debt. A pathetic sight

While finishing my degree, binging alcohol, smoking weed while working part time for minimum wage, I finally lowered my little ego and went to help: YouTube. That's when I found to look for motivation or a word of wisdom and... I got it.

It was THE point in life where I saw the light thanks to Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Darren Hardy, Bob Proctor, Les Brown and so on. I saw opportunity and understood that I WAS THE PROBLEM and as my first online mentor Jim Rohn said so well: "In order for things to change, you have to change. In order for things to get better, you have to get better."

And from that moment on, everything changed. Literally. I took it personally, and became addicted to "getting better" from that moment on. I did not knew at the time that the Universe (God, energy, karma, whatever you want to call it), sent me the most incredible gift a human being could receive: the opportunity to turn my mess into my message and my pain into my purpose.

Today, I understand that what is often the "worst of times" is usually a gift in disguise. For those who decide to take the right path towards uncertainty lies an opportunity to create something fantastic from ashes.

I now understand what Steve Jobs meant by "You can only connect the dots looking backwards." Now... I get it.

I don't quite know what you have in your heart and soul to bring to this world but one thing is for sure, if you listen to that inner voice, the one that doesn't make sense and leads you to the uncharted path, you will find a field of infinite possibility. It will NOT be easy, but I promise that it will be worth it.

Let me be your guide to help you take your first step. You are not crazy, you are only a few breakthroughs away from a beautiful life.


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In this private newsletter, I will be sharing a little bit more about me but definitely more about the best teachings and life hacks to live a masterful life. You DO NOT need to waste 10 years like I did to know all this stuff, let me guide you down the best path.

PS: If you reply to one of my emails, I will personally reply to you, no bot or assistant. I truly cherish my connections.

The Mindset Mastery Newsletter

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Want FREE Mindset content? Join my newsletter.

In this private newsletter, I will be sharing a little bit more about me but definitely more about the best teachings and life hacks to live a masterful life. You DO NOT need to waste 10 years like I did to know all this stuff, let me guide you down the best path.

PS: If you reply to one of my emails,
I will personally reply to you, no bot or assistant. I truly cherish my connections.

The Mindset Mastery Newsletter

I will never spam you with unwanted content. Unsubscribe when you want.

Rodrigo Paez

Dad | Husband | Mentor